Thursday, June 01, 2006

Oxnard to Tucson

From Oxnard, we set out towards Tucson, AZ to meet up with our colleagues from CIEPAC, who were participating in an event called "The Migrant Trail." Just across the border into Arizona we stopped for the night. Since we couldn't find a campground that wasn't specifically set up for RVs, we decided to just pull off the highway we were on, drive into the desert, and camp there.

Ate at some great local diners along the way:

Now we're in Tucson working with Miguel and Jose-T on the immigration documentary. Interviews and such. And thinking about our route in Mexico. It sounds like the Zapatistas aren't going to leave Mexico City after all. Marcos' most recent letter calls for grassroots mobilization by "zones," which will be defined in a democratic and participatory way (that is, not by traditional geographic concerns like spatial proximity). Events are scheduled for June 11 and June 24-25:

- Dislocación local con tema y acción definida.- Arte, Cultura y Comunicación por la libertad y la justicia para l@s luchador@s sociales. Se propone que sea el 11 de Junio del 2006, cada quien en su lugar según su propio modo.

- Concentraciones Zonales.- Agrupamientos de estados, regiones, subregiones y localidades según el acuerdo de cada quien (según la propuesta que se acuerde en la Comisión de Enlace Nacional formada para eso, si se aprueba, de manera provisional). O sea reunirse para ver problemas y demandas conjuntas, para analizar, discutir y en su caso acordar coordinaciones, acciones y apoyos. Se propone que las Concentraciones Zonales se realicen el 24 y 25 de junio (claro, si es que ya se formó y reunió antes la Comisión de Enlace, y ya se conoce la propuesta).
So we wrote to some of the organizers in the states that we'll be passing through on the way to D.F. Hopefully, we'll be able to participate in some of these events, and at the same time make it down to Mexico City in time to be there for the "plenaria" on June 30.

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